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Chapter 1. Formulas for Yin deficiency



1. Zisheng Tang



This formula is used to treat long term exhausting conditions. The patient has reduced appetite, short of breath or asthma, cough. The body feels warm (body temperature may not be high), and the pulse is weak but frequent/fast. It is also used to treat the condition in women, in which the women have menstruation stop due to less blood supply.

山药(一两) 玄参(五钱) 于术(三钱) 鸡内金(二钱,捣碎) 牛蒡子(三钱,炒,捣)

Shanyao 30 gram, Xuanshen 15 gram, Baizhu 9 gram, Jineijin 6 gram (grind to small pieceses), Niubangzi 9 gram (fried, grind)


If the body feels more warm or hot, add herb Shengdi 15 to 18 gram. Spleen is the root and basic foundation for later-life body structure and function. It nourishes the whole body. If the Spleen and the Stomach are strong and work well, and the body can digest the food, the whole body should be strong. When did you see a person who can eat well but suffer severe chronic disease?


It is said in the chapter about the Yin and the Yang in the bookNei Jing: When the disease starts from the Heart and the Spleen, there would have some hard-to-tell secrets in the heart of the patient. If it happens in woman, the woman would have no period. The disease is passed by Wind. The reason is that the Wind cannot pass through the Yangming stage of previous disease, the Stomach failed to hold and to accept sufficient food, so the appetite is reduced. What means there is hard-to-tell secrets? The Heart dominates and is responsible for a clear mind status of the body. If there something that cannot tell out, the mind is not in a relax condition, the emotion is so suppressed and be in a depression condition, so the Heart-Spleen blood cannot nourish the Spleen Soil, so cause such damage to the Spleen.


When the Spleen fails to help the Stomach to digest the food, to create Jingye from the food, so to nourish all organs with the Jingye, in man, there could have no clear sign in the body; in women, there would be stop of the menstruation.


When the condition comes up to the Wind-exhaust condition, or to the Xipen condition, no matter the patient is man or woman, every one knows that the person is already in an exhausted condition. It is called no-cure, since this condition is really hard to cure. However, as a doctor, one should bear the mind to try his best to save the patient. The condition is very severe and in an extreme risk condition, but it is still possible to do something to improve it.   


To improve this condition, we should follow the principle that the two-Yang condition comes from the Heart and the Spleen. The patient should stop to think over the previous missing person or thing, so to nourish his Heart. Then try to support his Spleen-Stomach, to make him able to eat more and digest more, so to make the body stronger day by day. In this formula, the use of herb Baizhu is to nourish the Spleen Yang Qi. When the Spleen is strong, it can naturally help the Stomach in digestion. The herb Shanyao works to nourish the Stomach Yin Qi. When the Stomach Yin is sufficient, it can naturally hold and accept more food for digestion. Especially, the Spleen is responsible to control the blood within the blood vessels. Nei Jingsaid Blood develops Spleen. It means the Spleen consists of Blood, so it contains more Blood in it. Western medicine said that there are many blood vessels in the spleen and the spleen is the place where the blood collects.

This condition is due to the depression or suppression of Heart. The Heart blood is not moving smoothly, so the blood vessels in the Spleen tends to be stagnated, blocked, to form dirty wound, or silk membrane. This is the reason for the disorder in the Spleen. The Spleen and the Stomach help each other. If the Spleen, the Zang organ, is in sick so as not be able to help the Stomach, the Fu organ, e.g. the Stomach would not be able to hole and accept the food for digestion. This is the reason for the Stomach is in sick.


Jineijin is the spleen and stomach of the chicken. It can digest stone, metal, iron, china, so you see it is good at digest things that have form/shape. Its nature is also mild, having a meaning of using (chicken) Spleen to nourish (human) Spleen. So, it can be used to nourish the Spleen, to work marvelously. This function of the Jineijin cannot be replaced by other herbs, so it cannot be omitted from the herbal formula.


Xushen, in the Shennun Bencao Jing, is said to be mild cold in herb nature. It is good at treating womans disorder during pregnancy and birth giving. Its taste is more sweet than bitter, so it is not so cold to damage the Spleen-Stomach. It is therefore used to remove the floating Fire in the upper Jiao, e.g. to remove the body hot and fever. It is black in color and rich in juice, so in Shennun Bencao Jing, it is said to be able to nourich the Kidney. It is therefore more suitable in the treatment of exhausting condition with Yin deficiency.


Herb Niubangzi is smooth and fragrant in smell, can nourish the Lung and promote the function of the Lung. When used together with the Shanyao and Xuanshen, it can stop the cough and solve the short of breath.


Herb Dihuang, when used as non-cooked, e.g. the original form, can cool the blood and remove body fever. Western people said it contains iron, and in the human blood, there is iron in deed. The herb Dihuang is not only able to cool the blood and remove fever, but also supply more iron to the blood. When the blood is sufficient, the sweating fever would reduce naturally. The fever in the exhausting condition is mostly due to deficiency of the Yin, so the Xiang Fire cannot hide in the Kidney. The Dihuang is good to bring the Xiang Fire down to the Kidney so save there. In theShennun Bencao Jing, it is therefore listed in the super herb group.

然必烧热过甚而始加之者,以此方原以健补脾胃为主,地黄虽系生用,经水火煎熬,其汁浆仍然粘泥,恐于脾胃有不宜也。至热甚者,其脾胃必不思饮食,用地黄退其热,则饮食可进,而转有辅助脾胃生山药,即坊间所鬻之干山药,而未经火炒者也。此方若用炒熟山药,则分毫无效. 于术色黄气香,乃浙江于潜所产之白术也。色黄则属土,气香则醒脾,其健补脾胃之功,迥异于寻常白术。若非于潜产而但观其色黄气香,用之亦有殊效,此以色、味为重,不以地道为重也。

However, the herb Dihuang would be used only if the person is with clear and strong fever. This formula is originally to nourish and support the Spleen-Stomach. Though the Dihuang has been cooked in water to prepare the herbal extinction, the herbal extinction is still stick as sticking mud. There is fear that it is not good for the Spleen-Stomach. When the person has fever, his appetite must be low. The use of the Dihuang can reduce the blood fever, so the appetite can be restored. In this way, it can help the herb Shanyao in the formula. The Shanyao should be original Shanyao without any cook. There is no use to use cooked Shanyao. Baizhu is yellow in color and fragrant in smell. The best Baizhu is the one produced in Yuqian city in Zhejiang province of China. Yellow is associated to the Soil. Fragrant smell can wake up the Spleen. Its Spleen-nourishing function is different from original Baizhu produced in other places of China. If not produced in the Yuqian city, pay attention to its yellow color and fragrant smell, not to the place where it is produced. If yes, use it. Other wise, no healing function.


Western medicine states: The stomach can digest food, depending on the acid in it. When the person feels hungry, there would be acid produced in the stomach naturally. If the person in deep missing think, or angry too much, the production of the gastric acid must be less than in normal condition, or even has no gastric acid at all. The food in the stomach, of course, can not be digested. This is in consistence with the saying in the Nei Jingthat over-thinking would damage the Spleen.

或问曰:《内经》谓脾主思,西人又谓思想发于脑部,子则谓思发于心者何也?答曰:《内经》所谓脾主思者,非谓脾自能思也。盖脾属土,土主安静,人安静而后能深思,至西人谓思发于脑部,《内经》早寓其理。脉要精微论曰:头者精明之府。夫头之中心点在脑,头为精明之府,即脑为精明之府矣。既曰精明,岂有不能思之理,然亦非脑之自能思也。试观古文字作“ ”,囟者脑也,心者心也,是知思也者,原心脑相辅而成,又须助以脾土镇静之力也。

People may ask, Nei Jingsaid the Spleen is responsible for thinking, the western medicine said it is the brain that is responsible for thinking. How do you said that it is the Heart that is responsible for thinking? My comments are: Nei Jingsaid that the Spleen is responsible for thinking, not meant that the Spleen itself can think. The Spleen belongs to Soil. Soil is associated with quiet. When the person is in quiet, he can then think things deeply. Though the western medicine said that the brain is responsible for thinking, Nei Jingalready implied it. The Maiyao Jingwei Lun in the book said: the head is the place of clear mind. The brain is the middle part of the head. If the head is the place of clear mind, it of course means that the brain is the place of clear mind. If it is clear mind, how it cannot think? However, it does not mean that the brain can think things by itself. Let look at the old word of thinking in Chinese. The upper part of the old word is ”, means the brain. The lower part of the word is “”, e.g. the heart. Therefore, to think needs the brain and the heart, but also need the Spleen to create quiet and relax condition to allow the brain and heart to have deep think.


People may also ask: your explanation about the “The two-Yang disease starts from the Heart and Spleen” is different from the Dr. Wang. Is that the Dr Wang wrong. My answer: I cannot say so. However, to understand the medical bible, the Nei Jing, in my way, we should feel that the meaning of the sentence is not so simple and it is practically applicable too. The statement “the two-Yang disease starts from the Heart and Spleen”, together with the later “three-Yang disease shows as cold-fever” and “One-Yang disease shows as short of breath, frequent cough, and frequent diarrhea” are different in sentence expression, but the way of the prescription can be harmonized. That “the two-Yang disease starts from the Heart and Spleen”, means the disease is developed from the Heart and the Spleen. That “the three-Yang disease shows the chilly/cold and hot/fever, is to describe the clinic manifestation of the three Yang disease. Similarly, that the one-yang disease, the person has short of breath, frequent cough and frequent diarrhea, is to tell the manifestation too.


It may also be asked again: the three-Yang and the one-Yang disease both describe the clinic manifestations. Why only the two-Yang disease tells the reason of the disease? The answer is: for the three-Yang and the one-Yang disease, if not mention the clinic manifestations first, the readers would have not been able to know what is the three-Yang disease and the one-Yang disease. For the two-Yang disease, the Stomach, everyone knows it is responsible for digestion. It is also known by everyone that when the Stomach is sick, the person would be hard to eat and to digest. However, most people do not know the reasons for the sick Stomach hard to digest. So, the author do not mention its clinic manifestation, but the reason.


One may continue to ask: the Stomach and the Large Intestine both belong to the Yang organ, it is only mentioned roughly the two-Yang, not specifically mention the Stomach, how do you consider it means the Stomach? Answer: the Stomach belongs to the feet Yangming, the Large Intestine belongs to the hand Yangming. In the human, the feet Yangming is longer than the hand Yangming meridian. The feet meridian can represent the hand meridian. When we discuss the six meridian/stage/conditions, it originally means the feet meridian mostly. Therefore, when mentioned in the 《内经》 the meridian, not separate it specifically hand or feet, it always means the feet meridian, or means both the feet and the hand meridians. When it mentions the hand meridian, it only means the hand meridian, not refers to the feet meridian, and it will more specifically mention which hand meridian. The book is there, readers can check to see if it is so.


In 1913, I lived in Daming town. There was a girl, who suffered from the exhausting condition for years and had no period. She was so weak to get up. She came to me and I prescribed this formula. After several doses, her diet increased. Her body still felt hot, so herb Shendi 15 gram was added in the formula. After five to six doses, the body hot disappeared. She gradually was able to get up the bed but the leg felt pain and cannot move. Herb Danshen and Danggui, 9 gram each was added in. After ten doses, the leg had no problem any longer and the period appeared. She mentioned that she had heavy discharge, that I forget to ask her before. So, the Danshen was removed, but herb Muli 18 gram was added. The Baizhu in it was doubled. Continuous ten doses made the discharge disappeared. So I send the herb formula to my home. Several months later, my student Dr. Gao Rubi send me a letter, told me that “A patient who lived in the neighbor village suffered from the exhausting condition for several years. He has tried many doctors but all failed. This spring, he suffered sudden cough, short of breath, reduced diet. His pulse is very weak and pulse. I gave him several Zisheng Tang and solved his problem.” So, it is known that this formula not only works for woman but also for man.


If woman’s menstruation has stop for a long time, her blood sea must have hard and clotted blood clot. If use the herbs that break and conduct the blood for the treatment of such condition, it usually causes damage to the body before the healing effect. Jineijin is mild in herbal nature, is good at melting the accumulation/clot/mass in the body. Longer time take of it would naturally make the hard clot disappear. When it is used together with the other herbs that works to nourish the Spleen and the Yin, there would be new blood production. When the new blood produced, the old clot would disappear. 




Letter from Mr. Zhang, from Zhili county,


Mrs. Song in Tianjin city, about 40 years of old, was weak in whole body condition. Two year ago, she suffered from cough and phlegm. She did not care it at all so did not go to a doctor. This spring, her condition became severe. No any improvement after tried several dose of herbs. Her pulse was: string and thin in the left side, and weak in the right side. It beats six times per breath-circle. She coughed, spit white phlegm, which is with very bad odor. She also had short of breath, self-sweat, fever after noon, which is more at night. She felt fullness in the breast, reduced diet, and constipation. It is so known that she has exhausting condition with lung disease. The tens of herbal formula she taken before were mostly focused on the treatment of the lung, not knowing to supply the Mother (The Spleen) to help the Sun (the Lung), so the healing effect was unsatisfied. For, the Zisheng Tang was used. Shanyao 24 gram, Xuanshen, Shendi, Shanyurou, 18 gram each; Muli, Shaoyao, Daizheshi 12 gram, each; Baizhu, Jineijin, Gancao 6 gram each. Two doses were prepared and given. She felt less sweet and less asthma. Fever and cough were slightly improved. Muli was then removed, but Gualuren 9 gram, Digupi 9 gram were added, Shanyao was changed to 30 gram, Daizheshi was 18 gram. Continued ten doses, whole conditions were improved. To keep the healing effect, she was asked to take Shanyao powder 24 gram to cook soup to drink (with addition of little white sugar), once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Months later, the person who introduced her to me for the treatment told that she had pretty good diet and the whole body was much stronger than before.


Another case: One of my relatives, she was 35 years of old. She cautch Wind-Cold cough, but lazy to take medicine. Later, the problem became severe and she had to a doctor for treatment. The herbs she taken were mostly warm-disperse-drying-strong ones. It is not known that after a long time, the Wind-Cold would change/develop into Fire. So the more treatment as such, the worse the condition, so that she was almost hard to get up. At the end of the year, when I came home, her husband asked me to have a look. Her pulse was weak and Xu, her body was very slim and thin, she had cough with slight short of breath, had poor diet and diarrhea. She had discharge, fever in the afternoon, pink color on cheek. It is therefore known that she had already had exhausting condition now. She was given this Zisheng Tang, with addition of Chao Yiyiren, Fuling, Longgu and Muli 9 gram for each; Yinchen and Zhi Gancao 4.5 gram for each. After two doses, her fever and pink cheek reduced, cough and diarrhea were also near improved. This formula was kept, with little variation, for six doses. All conditions were solved. She was later asked to drink the Shanyao soup everyday, with little bit white sugar added in, for a maintenance.   



Letter from Mr. Zhou, Jingnan city, Sichuan Province:

杨姓女,年十九岁。出嫁二载,月事犹未见,身体羸瘦,饮食减少,干咳无痰,五心烦热,诊其脉细数有力。仿用资生汤方,用生山药一两,于术二钱,牛蒡子三钱,玄参五钱,生地黄四钱,生鸡内金一钱。连服五剂,热退咳减,食欲增加。遂于原方中去生地,倍于术。又服三剂, 潮忽至。共服二十剂全愈。

Miss Yang, 19 years of old, got married for two years without menstruation at all. Her body is very thin and slim. She had poor diet and less appetite, dry cough without phlegm, hot feeling on the palms and soles. Her pulse was thin and fast but strong. Mimic the Zisheng Tang, she was given Shanyao 30 gram, Baizhu 6 gram, Niubangzi 9 gram, Xuanshen 15 gram, Shendi 12 gram, Jineijin 3 gram. Continuous five doses helped her have reduced fever and cough but increased appetite. So the Shendi was removed, but the Baizhu was doubled in the formula. With additional three doses, her menstruation came. Totally 20 doses of herbal therapy solved her problem.   


Letter from Mr. Wan, from Fengtian town, Faku county, Sichuan province:


One of my relatives. After birth given, she suffered from poor appetite with loss of body weight for several months. She gradually had fever, self-sweat, weight loss, short of breath, dry nausea, and dizziness and so on. This is what told in book as Rulao (straw mat exhausting condition). She had tried four doctors for the treatment but all failed. She had again pink cheek and diarrhea. Just happened that I came back to the town, I had look at her. Her pulse was fast and weak. In review of the herbal formula used before, some were following Yizong JinjianSanhe Yin, some were Yangrong Tang. All are ordinary herbal formula.


However, when the disease developed so far, it is hard to decide the direction of the treatment. The pulse was weak and fast, but not to a condition of poor Spirit yet. The cheek was pink in color, but not to a condition of Zhuanju (Zhuanju condition indicates the separation of the Yin and the Yang). Therefore, it seems that this condition is still possible to improve. The reason for her condition is that, she had original Yin deficiency for a long history. After the birth giving to lose blood, the Qi was lost too. The Yin failed to hold the inside, and the Yang failed to protect the outside of the body, so there were short of breath and self-sweat. Due to the Yin and the Yang not association, the more deficient the Yin, the more floating the Yang, so there were fever, cough and dizziness. The pink cheek is due to the cheek is associated to the Kidney. The True Yang in the Kidney floats up, so showing the pink color in the cheek. It is pink in color and felt hot too. The weight loss and diarrhea were due to the failure of the two Yang to hold the muscle, and to control the movement of the large intestine. More important, the Kidney Yin deficiency, the Spleen Yin would be also deficient. The middle part of the body is in disorder, fails to control the bowel movement, also contribute to the diarrhea. Are these not the reasons for her disease?


After think and consider over and over again, she was given the formula: Shanyao 60 gram, Baizhu 9 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Jineijin 6 gram, and Niubangzi 6 gram. (This is the original Zisheng Tang but with higher dose), with additional Shanyurou 15 gram, Longgu 15 gram, and Muli 15 gram, to stop the sweat and diarrhea. After five doses, the sweat and diarrhea stop, appetite increased, with the cough and fever reduced 2 or 3 out of level 10. The original formula was kept but added Gancao, Tiandong and Shendi. After seven doses, remove the Shanyurou, added the herb Dangshen 6 gram. After additional four doses, her diet increased dramatically. She could sit up but still no menstruation. Follow the original Zisheng Tang, added Danggui 12 gram. After additional little modification of the ingredients for several doses, the menstruation came after one month too.



2. Shiquan Yuzhen Tang


This formula is used for the treatment of Xulao (weakness and exhausting condition). The pulse  is string, frequent, fast, thin, and weak/mild. The skin is dry and cracked. The body is thin and slim, weight lost. Person can eat but seems the food does not nourish the muscle. The person feels self-sweat, or cough, or asthma, short of breath, or cold/hot shift from time to time, or heavy dreams, and sperm loss at night.

野台参(四钱) 生黄 (四钱) 山药(四钱) 知母(四钱) 玄参(四钱) 龙骨(四钱,捣细) 牡蛎(四钱,捣细) 丹参(二钱) 三棱(钱半) 莪术(钱半)

Ingredients: wild Taishen 12 gram, Huangqi 12 gram, Shanyao 16 gram, Zhimu 12 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Longgu 12 gram, Muli 12 gram, Danshen 6 gram, Sanleng 4.5 gram, Ezhu 4.5 gram.


If the Qi part is too weak, remove the Sanleng and Ezhu, add Jineijin 9 gram; if with asthma, double the Shanyao, add Niubangzi 9 gram; if with heavy sweat, replace the Huangqi with the Baizhu, double the amount of Longgu, Muli, add Shanyurou, Baoshao 18 gram each. If the sweat is still very heavy, use Longgu, Muli and Shanyurou 30 gram each to drink, only two doses would stop the sweat. Resume the original formula after the stop of the sweat. If the person has cold feeling first, then hot and then sweat, or his pulse is weak, it usually indicates the shrink of the the Qi in the chest. Check later chapter for the Qi shrink condition. You would know how to solve it.

仲景治劳瘵,有大黄蟅虫丸,有百劳丸,皆多用破血之药。诚以人身经络,皆有血融贯其间,内通脏腑,外溉周身,血一停滞,气化即不能健运,劳瘵恒因之而成。是故劳瘵者肌肤甲错,血不华色,即日食珍馐服参苓,而分毫不能长肌肉、壮筋力。或转消瘦支离,日甚一日,诚以血瘀经络阻塞其气化也。玉田王清任着《医林改错》一书,立活血逐瘀诸汤,按上中下部位,分消瘀血,统治百病,谓瘀血去而诸病自愈。其立言不无偏处,然其大旨则确有主见,是以用其方者,亦多效验。When Mater Zhang Zhongjing treat the Laoji condition, he used Dahuang Zhechong Wan, or the Bailao Wan.  Both contain mostly Blood-breaking herbs. Among body meridians, everywhere has blood circulated within. The blood connects and conducts inside organs and nourishes outside skin.  Once the blood stop to circulate, there would be the stop of Qi too. The Laoji condition always comes due to this condition. That’s why the person with the Laoji condition has dry and crack skin, the skin and mucus is not bright. Though he may eat lots of food with great nutrition value, he is still slim and thin, with body weigh loss day after day. This is because the blood blocks the meridian and prevents the Qi movement in the body. Dr. Wang Qingren written book Yilin Gaicuo, set several formula to improve the blood circulation and to remove the block and clotted blood. The formulas are different according to their function on the body upper, middle or lower part. It is claimed to remove the blood clots, so to solve hundred of diseases. His statement is not all correct, but the formulas indeed work.

今愚因治劳瘵,故拟十全育真汤,于补药剂中,加三棱莪术以通活气血,窃师仲景之大黄 虫丸、百劳丸之意也。且仲景于《金匮》列虚劳一门,特以血痹虚劳四字标为提纲。益知虚劳者必血痹,而血痹之甚,又未有不虚劳者。并知治虚劳必先治血痹,治血痹亦即所以治虚劳也。

Now, for the aim to treat the Laoji condition, I set up this Shiquan Yuzhen Tang. To the nourishing herbal formula, I added the Sanleng and Ezhu to break the blood clot, by referring to the Master’s Dahuang Zhezhong Wan and Bailao Wan. The Master, in his book Jin Kui, listed a single chapter discussing the Xuelao (exhausting condition) and he used the Blood Bi and Xulao as its outline of the chapter. From this, it is easy to know that, the person with the Xulao (exhausting condition) must have Blood Bi condition too. If the Blood Bi is severe, the person must also have the Xulao condition. It is furthermore known that to treat the Xulao, the Blood Bi must be treated first. To treat the Blood Bi means to treat the Xulao condition too.

或问:治劳瘵兼用破血之药,诚为确当之论,但破血用三棱莪术,将毋其力过猛乎?答曰:仲景之大黄 虫丸,与百劳丸所用破血之药,若大黄、干漆、水蛭,皆猛于三棱莪术,而方中不用三棱莪术者、诚以三棱莪术《神农本草经》不载。至梁陶弘景着《名医别录》于《神农本草经》外增药品三百六十五味,皆南北朝以前,名医所用之药,亦未载三棱莪术。是当仲景时犹无三棱莪术,即有之,亦未经试验可知。而愚于破血药中,独喜用三棱莪术者,诚以其既善破血,尤善调气。补药剂中以为佐使,将有瘀者瘀可徐消,即无瘀者亦可借其流通之力,以行补药之滞,而补药之力愈大也.况后天资生纳谷为宝。无论何病,凡服药后饮食渐增者易治,饮食渐减者难治。三棱莪术与参、术、 诸药并用,大能开胃进食,又愚所屡试屡效者也。

It may be asked: Would the use of the Sanleng and Ezhu be too strong, though it is right consideration to use the blood-breaking herbs in the treatment of Laoji condition? Answer: In the formula of Master Zhang Zhongjing, such as the Dahuang Zhechong Wan and Baolao Wan, the blood-breaking herbs, such as Dahuang, Ganxi, and Shuizhi, all are much stronger than the Sanleng and Ezhu. The Sanleng and Ezhu were not used in those herbal formulas, for the reason that the Sanleng and Ezhu are not available at that time yet in the book Shennun Benzao Jing. In the Liang dynasty, Dr. Liang Hongjing written the book Mingyi Bielu. He added 365 herbs to the Shennun Bencao Jing. Before the South dynasty and the North Dynasty, the famous doctors did not mention the use of the Sanleng and Ezhu either. So, it is clear that in the time of the Master, there are no herb of Sanleng and Ezhu yet. Even if the two herbs were available, the doctors at that time might not test their herbal property yet. I specifically like to add the Sanleng and Ezhu in the blood-breaking herbs, for the reason that they are good to break the blood clots, but also more good at adjusting the Qi movement too. Add the Sanleng and Eizhu in the nourishing herbs, they work as assistants, to remove blood clots if the person indeed has it in the body; or to solve the stagnation side effect, through their dispersing nature, of the nourishing herbs in person who has no blood clots, so as to make the nourishing herbs work better. No matter what disease, it would be easy to solve, if the person has increased diet after drinking of the herbal tea, and it would be hard to solve, if the person’s diet reduce gradually. The Sanleng and Ezhu are used together with the Shen, Zhu and other herbs, could improve the appetite of patient. This has been well proven again and again in my experience.


It may asked: In the Laoji condition, most patients showed as Yin deficiency with fever. For this reason, Qian Zhongyang used Jianwei Dihuang Wan; Zhang Jingyue used Zuogui Wan. Both work well. The reason is that both use the Dihuang as the main ingredient, which can nourish the Yin so as to remove the fever. Why you do not use it in your formula?


Answer: to talk about the use of Shoudi, I have experience too. At beginning of reading the herb books, I read Dr. Zhao book Yi Guang》、《Zhangshi Bazhen》、《Fengshi Jingnangand I believed it.


I was good at the use of the herb Shoudi. I had used Bawei Dihuang Wan as a herbal extract, with the addition of Souzi and Baishao, to treat the asthma due to the inhalation failing to reach the deep.


I added Chenpi and Baishao, to treat the cough and heavy phlegm, due to the upper-overwhelming-lower-weak condition.


I added herb Souzi and Houpo, to treat the chest fullness condition that is due to Qi upper-floating, which is again due to the Kidney fails to attract the Qi down to the Kidney (Some times, patients may feel a pushing force after drinking of the herbs. Later I set up the Shenzhe ZhenQi Tang, which is more effective).


I tried to remove the Fuling and Zexie to one third, to treat women with thirsty but frequent urine (In the bookJing Kui, this formula is used to treat the man with thirsty, here I tried to treat women with thirsty and it works too. See the explanation in detail in the Chapter for Yuye Tang).


I tried to remove Fuzi, but add Zhimu and Baishao, to treat the condition, in which the Ying is weak, so not be able to develop/transform into the Yang, causing the harsh in urination and swelling).


I tried to prepare the Liuwei Dihuang Wan as Tang form (the extraction form), with the addition of Chuangqun and Zhimu, to treat the headache that feels as the head to break.


I added Longdancao and Qindai to treat severe dizziness.


I also added Wuweizi, Goujizi and Boziren, to treat the enlarged pupil. I trusted what it is said to drink several bowl of the herbs, making it work as a water in a big river.


I used Shoudi 120 gram, and Fuling 30 gram, to stop the diarrhea that is so severe as the slippery of the stool out of anus.


I also used Shoudi 120 gram, Baishao 30 gram, to solve the harsh urine due to Yin deficiency.


I tried to use Shoudi more than 300 grams, to solve the sudden asthma after a severe disease. The pulse is dispersed, and Yin and Yang are to escape (the condition later is solved by the use of Laifu Tang. But at that time when I use the large amount of Shoudi, this formulae has not been set up yet. I only knew that, the Shoudi works by chance, since Mr. Feng Xhuzhang stated that Shoudi can contribute a big supply to the Yuan Qi in the Kidney and I tried). 


I used the Shoudi and Ajiao to make big supply of True Yin, to treat the condition in which the person have no sweat in a Wen Disease, in which the pulse is floating but the Yin has no response to the sweating therapy. The patient was asked to drink the herbal tea twice a day, to nourish the Yin, so as to help the Yang in the body, to create the sweat (see detail in the Chapter in the Hanjie Tang).

并一切伤寒 外感,因下元虚惫而邪深陷者,莫不重用熟地,补其下元,即以托邪外出。

For all Cold-invasion condition, the Xie Qi shrink deeper inside the body, due to the lower part of the body (the Lower Jiao) being weak. In such condition, I always used large amount of Shoudi to supply the lower Jiao, so to push the Xie Qi out of the body. 


Only when I used it in the Yin Deficiency with fever, it worked in mild cases, but not in a condition, in which the pulse is frequent as seven to eight times per breath circle.


At that time, I do not realize to check or to change the formula. I though that the Dihuang Wan is the same one as introduced in the Jing Kui. This formula has been recommended to be marvelous formula from history. If it does not work, there would have no other choices. I did not realize that the Dihuang used in the Jing Kuiis the not cooked Shengdi, not the Shoudi. The herb Gui, should be the Guizhi, e.g. the Mugui in the Jing Kui, not Rougui, so it is completely a different formula as what I used from previous books.


The Shenqi Wan in the book Jing Kuihas five major applications: first, it is used for Jiaoqi pushing up, and lower abdomen uneasy feeling; second, for weakness and pain in the lower back, the lower abdomen spasm, harsh in urine; third, for short of breath, the mild Yin condition needs to be removed from urine; fourth, in man with thirsty, the urine however is very much, in which drinking one liter, there would urinate one liter; fifth, in woman with twist of uterus, no way to have urination. Apparently, to have a look at all the five applications, it is originally used mostly for the lower abdomean and urine bladder problems, not for the exhausting condition. The later doctors modified its application, lost its original meaning.


Later, I had a female patient about fifty years of old. She suffered from fever and exhausting cough. The pulse was up to eight times per breath circle. I had used Liuwei Dihuang Wan, in a form of herbal tea, not as pills, and also used Zuogui Wan. None worked.

愚忽有会悟,改用生黄芪 六钱、知母八钱为方,数剂见轻,又加丹参当归各三钱,连服十剂全愈。以后凡遇阴虚有热之证,其稍有根柢可挽回者,于方中重用黄芪、知母,莫不随手奏效。始知叔和脉法谓数至七八至为不治之脉者,非确论也。

I suddenly realized to change to use the Huangqi 18 gram, Zhimu 24 gram. Afer several doses, the condition was improved. Then I added Danshen and Danggui each for 9 gram. Continued herbs for ten doses, all the condition were solved. So, later, once there are cases with Yin deficiency and fever, and if there is still chance to solve the condition, added in the formula the large amount of herb Huangqi and Zhimu. There has no chases failed since. By this experience, I started to know that, it is not always true that the Mr. Shouhe’s statement that it would be no way to help if the pulse reached up to eight times per breath circle.


Human being is birth after absorption of the Qi in the heaven and the earth. The Qi development and transformation in the human body and the universe are similar. When the sky is to have rain fall, there must be warm Yang Qi floating up, then the cloud accumulated to cause the rain. The herb Huangqi works to rise the body Qi, similar to the up rising warm Qi on the earth before the rain; the herb Zhimu is cold and wet in herbal nature. It works as the cloud accumulation in the sky before the rain. The combination of the two herbs works as the rising warm Qi and the cloud in the sky before the rain. With the raining, the annoying hot of course will reduce. This is a way of treatment without direct treatment.  

况劳瘵者多损肾,黄芪能大补肺气,以益肾水之源,使气旺自能生水,而知母又大能滋肺中津液,俾阴阳不至偏胜,即肺脏调和,而生水之功益普也(黄芪 知母虽可并用以退虚热,然遇阴虚热甚者,又必须加生地黄八钱或至一两,方能服之有效)。

In addition, in a Laoji condition, the person usually has also damage in the Kidney. The herb Huangqi can supply Lung Qi, to supply the upper water source for the Kidney, making the sufficient Qi to nourish the Water. The herb Zhimu can additionally nourish the water part in the Lung, making the Yin and the Yang not over to another extreme, e.g. making the Yin and Ying harmony in the Lung, so as to be able to produce more water in the body. (Huangqi and Zhimu together can remove the Xue Hot/fever. However, in a severe condition, the Shengdi is still needed in the formula to reduce the Xue fever.)


It might be asked: in deed the Shenqi Wan is not specifically used for the treatment of the Xulao condition. However, in the Xulao Chapter of the bookJing Kui, it is indicated it can be used for the treatment of Xulao lower back pain. It seems that everyone with the weak condition can use it. How could you say that it does not work. Do you mean that the old formula should not be followed?


Answer: If the Shenqi Wan is prepared as it is originally asked, e.g. the herb Dihuang is the Shengdi, the herb Gui is the Guizhi, and they are prepared as pills, not the liquid extraction, and if used in the proper clinic condition, it of course works.


The herb Shengdi can remove and dissolve the Blood Bi condition, but the Shoudi cannot. The Herb Guizhi can adjust and hamony the Ying and Wei, but the Rougui cannot. When the blood Bi condition is dissolved, the stagnated and clotted blood would disappear; the Ying and the Wei Qi are in harmony, the Qi and the Blood work well. For herb Shanyurou, it is sour in herbal nature. It can also dissolve the Blood Bi condition (in the bood (《Shennong Bencao Jing, Shanzhuyu can dissolve the Cold-Wet Bi. Herb Mudanpi is cold and spicy in herbal nature. It can also break the blood clot. Herb Fuzi is strong spicy and strong warm. It can warm and conduct the blood vessels. The Fuzi and the Dihuang, one is warm and one is cold. They work together to remove the blood clots. The ShenQi Wan is the Kidney nourishing formula, but also be able to dissolve the blood stagnation and clots. For this reason, it is listed in the bookJing KuiXulao chapter as the most important herbal formula.


The reason to make it in pills not in herbal tea form is that the Shendi, after cook in water, becomes sticky and changed its nature similar to the Shoudi. Its ability to melt the blood clots would reduce. This is why in the  Shennong Bencao Jingit is said that the non-cooked Shendi is super. Later Dr. Xu Lingtai treated a patient, who has a condition of upper overwhelming but lower weakness. He had accumulated phlegm and Fire in the chest, hard to have breath or lie evenly. The doctor asked to cut herb Renshen into small pieces, cook the Renshen in the pure water and herbs that work to remove phlegm. Drink the herbal tea. The disease is solved. Later, the disease recurred, the family used the same formula and cooked the Renshen together with the other herbs. After drinking, the disease became worse. Doctor Xu asked them prepare the tea as before and the disease was solved again. Here, we can realize the fine meaning of the old Chinese doctors in the herbal preparation.


It may also be asked: The Shenqi Wan, if prepared as originally required from that book, might work. In the chapter for Xulao in the bookJin Kui, apart from the Shenqi Wan and Dahuang Zhechong Wang, there are other seven formulas, all of which can be used in clinic. You set up your own formula Shiquan Yuzheng Tang. Could your formula be omitted or not recommended?

答曰:《金匮》虚劳门诸方,虽皆有效,而一方专治虚劳门一证。若拙拟十全育真汤,实兼治虚劳门诸证。如方中用黄芪以补气,而即用人参以培元气之根本。用知母以滋阴,而即用山药、元参以壮真阴之渊源。用三棱莪术以消瘀血,而即用丹参以化瘀血之渣滓。至龙骨牡蛎,若取其收涩之性,能助黄芪以固元气;若取其凉润之性,能助知母以滋真阴;若取其开通之性(《神农本草经》龙骨 瘕,后世本草亦谓牡蛎消血),又能助三棱莪术以消融瘀滞也。至于疗肺虚之咳逆、肾虚之喘促,山药最良。治多梦之纷纭,虚汗之淋漓,龙骨牡蛎尤胜。此方中意也,以寻常药饵十味,汇集成方,而能补助人身之真阴阳、真气血、真精神,故曰十全育真也。

Answer: though the herbal formulas in the book, all work well, each formula works for a specific disorder/condition. My formula however works for all kinds of the Xulao condition (exhausting condition). For example, the Huangqi in the formula works to supply Qi, Renshen works to enhance the basic foundation of the Yuan Qi. The herb Zhimu works to nourish the Yin, and the Shanyao and Yuanshen to enhance the source of the True Yin. The Sanleng and Ezhu are to melt the stagnated/clotted blood, then the Danshen to remove the residue of the clots. The Longgu and Muli, by their contracting nature, work to help Huangqi to enhance Yuan Qi; by their cold-wet nature, to help Zhimu to nourish the Tru Yin; by their opening nature, to help Sanleng and Ezhu to melt the blood stagnation/clots. (in the book Shennong Bencao Jing, Longgu work to dissolve accumulated mass. Later published herb books also indicate the herb Muli to melt the clotted blood.). To talk about the treatment of asthma and cough due to Lung deficiency, short of breath due to Kidney deficiency, the herb Shanyao is the best choice. To treat multiple dreams and heavy sweat, the Longgu and Muli are the best choice. These are the meaning in the formula to use these herbs. With such ordinary about ten herbs, the formula can nourish the body True Yang, True Yin, True Qi and Blood, True Spirit. So it is called Shiquan Yuzhen Tang. [1]


Laoji condition is usually accompanied with blood stagnation condition. There are two clinic manifestations: first, the blood stagnation is due to the Laoji. The person did not have reasonable/healthy diet habit, or he has too much sex activity, both of which cause the deficiency in the Blood and Qi, making lower the circulation of the blood and Qi in the body. The blood is therefore stagnated. In this case, the stagnation is more in the meridian (skin surface). Second, the blood stagnation causes the Laoji condition. The person may have had physical trauma or damage in the body, or he bear heavy physical labor that is much beyond his physical body, or he has had long term of bleeding from cough, running nose, vomiting or by other ways. Previous treatment did not work, so the condition prolongs to form the Laoji condition. In this case, the blood stagnation is usually in the inside organs. For both conditions, the Shiquan Yuzheng Tang works. However, if the blood stagnation is inside the body, the clot-breaking herbs are needed to add. If the blood stagnation is in the meridian(body surface), Danggui and Danshen can be added in the previous Zisheng Tang for the treatment. If the stagnation is more inside the body, use my formula of Lichong Tang, or Lichong Wan. These formula can be used with little modification to meet the clinic conditions.


Ordinary doctors contribute frequent pulse usually to the Yin Xu and Blood exhaust. They do not know when the Qi is extreme exhausted, there would be also extreme frequent pulse. This is as one works very hard in labor, or one runs, when he has no more energy, his pulse would be frequent. Here we take this physical tiredness to explain the Qi deficiency. The different cases but share the same meaning. During my clinic experience, I dared not to use the nourishing herbs only, when I treat the exhausting condition. If the Qi-adjusting herbs are more than the Qi-nourishing herbs in a formula, the pulse would be frequent. If the Qi-nourishing herbs are more than the Qi-adjusting herbs, the pulse would be not frequent. So it is known that the frequency of the pulse though depends on the amount of the Qi and Blood, also more on the amount of the Qi in the body. For this reason, in the Shiquan Yuzheng Tang, Taishen and Huangqi are both 12 gram, but the Sanleng and Ezhu are only 4.5 gram. The Qi-nourishing herbs are double of the Qi-adjusting herbs. If the Qi is extreme exhausted, the Sanleng and Ezhu must be replaced by herb Jineijing.



Though the herbal nature of a herb is fixed, it may change according to the person’s body nature. For example, if we compare the Qi-nourishing nature of the Huangqi with the Qi-breaking nature of the Sanleng and Ezhu, they have no major difference with equal amount for both. If we use 9 gram of Sanleng and 9 gram of Ezhu to solve the mass accumulation condition, for fearing they may damage the body Qi, 18 gram of the Huangqi would be used. Upon the use of tens of doses, the disease would be solved without the damage of the Qi. Someone may feel even stronger with more intake of the herbs. However, if the person is very week in the Qi condition, he may feel very tired and exhausted with the intake of the same herbs. So, more amount of Huangqi has to be involved, or the amount of the Sanleng and Ezhu has to be reduced, for that aim to take it for a long time. When a person is very weak, nourishing herbs are not easy to work, but Qi-breaking herbs are easy to cause damage to the body. If the person is very strong and has Qi stagnation, the herb Sanleng and Ezhu have to be used in large amount, or that of Huangqi has to be reduced, so as to prevent fullness feeling in the chest after the herb intake. Forthermore, if we compare the hot nature of the Huangqi with the cold nature of the Zhimu. They are similar actually. If they are taken in equal amount, there would have no major influence on body cold or hot (if they are used as pills, then the Zhimu is colder than the hot nature of the Huangqi). If the person is easy to feel cold, the two herbs may cause more cold to him. If the one is easy to feel hot, the two herbs may cause more hot to him. Apparently, the cold or hot effect of the herbs are not really fixed, as their nourishing or breaking nature are not fixed. For this reason, doctors must be very careful in herbal prescription. Check the person’s body reaction and adjust the herbs accordingly to prevent any mistake.





Letter from Mr. Li, Cang city, Zhili province:


A lady, 24 years of old, one of my relatives. She suffered from cold-hot shift from January. She usually feared to take medicine, so did not tell her family. Up to the early April, her family member came to me, and said her condition was worse. I followed him home and found that the patient was very slim and thin, though not to a level of hard to get up. Her pulse was floating and frequent. Upon ask, she said every afternoon, she first felt cold, then hot. She had cough from time to time without phlegm. She had diarrhea tens of times every day. In the early morning, she had sweat on the head and felt slight pain on her chest. Even a little eat could cause very much fullness feeling in stomach. All of her conditions show the exhausting and extreme exhausting condition. I have been considered again and again, then prescribed her herbal formula XiaoyaoSan. Two days treatment did not work at all. When I went to Cang county to take herbs, I met MrZhang who came from Tianjing city there. So I told him the patient condition and the history of the treatment. He asked me, what are you going to do for the treatment now? I said, I am going to use the combination of the Zisheng Tang and the Shiquan Yuzheng Tang. Is it ok? He answered: this is good consideration. I would work. So, I followed the meaning of your two formulas, used Shanyao 24 gram; Baizhu, Shanyurou, Jineijin, Longgu, Muli, and Shihu 9 gram each; and Danshen 12 gram. After four days, every condition is much improved. So, herb Sanleng and Ezhu, 3 gram each, were added in the formula (since these two herbs are originally used in the Shiquan Yuzheng Tang, for the reason that the exhausting condition is usually mixed with the blood stagnation condition). In addition, herb Danpi and Digupi, 6 gram each, were added too. After eight days (8 doses intake), the whole condition of the patient was much improved. She had pretty good diet now.  



3. Liquan Yin[2]



This formula is used to treat exhausting condition with fever, or asthma, or short of breath, or cough, with weak and frequent pulse.

山药(一两) 大生地(五钱) 人参(四钱) 玄参(四钱) 生赭石(四钱,轧细) 牛蒡子(三钱,炒,捣)天冬(四钱) 甘草(二钱)

Shanyao 30 gram, Shengdi 15 gram, Renshen 12 gram, Xuanshen 12 gram, Daizheshi 12 gram, Niubangzi 9 gram, (fried, grinded), Tianmendong 12 gram, Gancao 6 gram.


Lao-re condition (exhausting condition with fever) is mostly contributed to the Yin deficiency. The person has Xu Fire in the lung to steam, so has cough from time to time with itch in throat. In severe case, the lung is severely damaged or deteriorated, very little physical activity may cause heavy cough to cause asthma or short of breath. For the treatment, it is needed to nourish the Lung Yin, together with herbs to remove Fire and to clear the Phlegm. If it is due to the Kidney Yin deficiency, the person cannot inhalated deep, but has rushing-up cough frequently. In severe case, he may have asthma or short of breath. For the treatment, it should be to nourish the True Yin in the lower Jiao, in addition with some contracting-nature herbs. When the pulse is very much frequent, Dr. Xhen Xiuyuan said that the Yin-nourishing therapy should be used. The reason is that the Spleen dominates slow, mild, and soft. Frequent pulse suggests the damage in the Spleen, so herb Gancao should be added in the Yin-nourishing herbs to also nourish the Spleen, with additional use of light-nature herbs, such as Yiyiren or Shihu and so on. The reason is that, the Yin in the body distributes very broad. The Wetness in all of the body belongs to the Yin.


Therefore, when the Yin deficiency is severe, the body blood and Jingye would all be dried up. Herbs that contains more juice must and have to be used, to nourish the Yin of the organs, e.g. to irrigate the body liquid. Such herbs are as Shanyao and Shendi in the formula.


However, the frequent pulse could be due to the Yin deficiency, but also to Qi deficiency. The body shows evidence of hard to handle the body function, such as the person’s body shacking upon too heavy burden on his body. So, herb Renshen is needed to nourish the Qi. It, when used together with the Xuanshen and Tianmendong, for their cold-wet nature, can also nourish the Yin. For worry that it may not be suitable for person with cough, for its rising-nature, herb Daizheshi was used to suppress the nourishing effect of the Renshen downwards to the Yunquan (acupuncture point on front-middle of the sole). By this way, the rushing-up Fire and Qi can flow down, to nourish the True Yuan Qi in the Lower Jiao, which again can absorb the up-rushing Fire down.


The use of Niubangzi and the Shanyao together can solve the cough; Gancao and Tianmendong, are good at irrigating the lung. These have been tested and experience in my clinic work again and again. 


In the beginning, the formula did not contain the Daizheshi, but has Danshen 9 gram to transport the nourishing effect from the Renshen. Later in the treatment of a woman, who had no menstruation for several months, had cold/hot shift feeling, frequent dry cough with asthma-like short of breath, fullness feeling in the chest, no appetite, and had pulse several to seven times per breath-circle, the use of the formula containing the Danshen did not work. So later the Danshen was replaced with the Daizheshi. One dose solved the cough and asthma to half level, the fullness in chest was reduced, that appetite was increased. Additional doses made the pulse milder and slower. Totally twenty days of treatments solved all problems.


Later, whenever meet a female patients with stop of menstruation and her condition comes to the exhausting condition that is accompanied with cough and fullness in the chest, this formula is used first. When the appetite is improved, the body is stronger, the menstruation is solved. If there is stagnated or clotted blood that blocks the blood conduct in the uterus, or there is evidence for the presence of some mass in the uterus, use my formula of Lichong Tang, or Lichong Wan to melt the mass. By this way, there is no difficult disease in women to treat. If the person feel short of breath in chest, or he is easy to have diarrhea, it should be prevented the Da Qi shrink (see later Chapter). In such case, in the use of the Liquan Yin, the amount of Daizheshi and Niubangzi should be reduced. In addition, the herb Souzi, Gualuren, Ziyuan and Xingren, and all regularly used herbs for cough should not be used.


Explanation: the short of breath is different from the asthma. Short of breath means the exhalation cannot reach the upper. The asthma means the inhalation cannot reach down to the bottom. For person who is not good at talk or describe his feeling, he may just tell “short of breath”. So, in my clinic, once I meet such person telling “hard to breath”, I would ask him very carefully to verify he has difficulty in inhalation or exhalation before my treatment.

Explanation again: In medical books, the cough-asthma is termed either “rushing-up cough” or “rushing-up asthma”, since the cough and the asthma are usually caused by rushing-up Qi. However, in my experience, in many cases, they can also be caused by the shrink of Big Qi[3] from the chest. The lung is in the chest, around and lifted by the Big Qi; the Big Qi support the lung, which can then be able to work as breath. If the Big Qi shrink down, the force to cover and to support the lung decreased, the lung has not place to attach, so the cough happens. To support the Qi and remove the Qi stagnation, the lung has to work hard, so the asthma happens. I have had a teenage patient. He suffered from long term diarrhea. Later, he felt hard to breath, felt something in the throat, due to a heavy labor work. For every five to six breath, he must have a cough once or twice. By this way, he could feel little better. He also felt tired in the arms and legs, lazy to eat. The pulse felt very weak and mild. It is so known that he has Di Qi shrink condition. He was given my Shengxian Tang, and his problem was solved after only several doses of herbs.


There is another case. A patient of fifty years of old suffered from asthma for long time. Due to heavy labor work, his asthma recurred. He tried several doctors and drunk various herbs but all failed. When I later saw him, his pulse is frequent as to six times per breath-circle. The pulse was also felt kind of deeper and ru[4]. I doubt his condition belongs to Yin deficiency that made him hard to inhale. For the pulse of deeper and ru, I dared not to use QI-shrinking herbs in the formula. So what I use are Shoudi, Shanyao, Goujizi, and Xuanzhen, such Yin-nourishing herbs. After cook, used 6 gram of Renshen with the herbal tea to drink. Continuous intake of three doses did not work. The pulse was still deep and ru. The asthma though was reduced, but not completely disappeared.


I then considered his condition was due to hard labor work, that made the Big Qi in the chest shrink, so the pulse is deep and ru. In addition, his back felt chilly and tight, both of which are the evidence for the Big Qi shrink. He was also given the Shengxian Tang. However, the herb Shengma, Chaihu and Jiegen were not used for fear. All the three were replaced with Guizhi Jian. The reaon for such modification is that he had the difficulty in inhalation for a long time. The herb Guizhi can raise the Big Qi, and also bring the Qi back to the Kidney. With addition of other Yin-nourishing herbs, several doses of the formula solved all problems for him. The reason for the diseases in these two cases is different from the main application of the Liquan Yin here, but the cough and the asthma are the same. Readers can check later chapters for the Shengxian Tang, for the explanation and the attached case examples, to understand the principle and meaning here. The two cases are cited here is for the fear that the readers might make mistake in clinic diagnosis and in the use of Liquan Yin.

沈阳娄××,年二十二,虚劳咳嗽,其形羸弱,脉数八至,按之即无。细询之,自言曾眠热炕之上,晨起觉心中发热,从此食后即吐出,夜间咳嗽甚剧,不能安寝。因二十余日寝食俱废, 遂觉精神恍惚,不能支持。愚闻之,知脉象虽危,仍系新证,若久病至此,诚难挽回矣。遂投以醴泉饮,为其呕吐,将赭石改用一两(重用赭石之理详参赭镇气汤下),一剂吐即止,可以进食,嗽亦见愈。从前五六日未大便,至此大便亦通下。如此加减服之,三日后脉数亦见愈。然犹六至余,心中犹觉发热,遂将玄参、生地皆改用六钱,又每日于午时,用白蔗糖冲水,送服西药阿斯匹林(药性详参麦汤下)七厘许。数日诸病皆愈,脉亦复常。

Mr. Lu, 22 years of old, lived in Shenyang city.  He suffered from exhausting condition with cough. He was very slim and thin. His pulse was frequent as up to eight times per breath-circle. The pulse was hard to feel when press deep. Careful consultation showed that he had slep on hot bed. Next morning, he felt hot in heart. Later he had vomiting after eat, had cough that was worse at night so as not be able to have a sleep. For such condition has last for twenty days, he now felt dizziness and cloudy in mind, hard to support his body. When I saw him, I thought that his condition is newly developed, which is still possible to solve, though the pulse was a sign of a very high emergency condition. If a long term disease develops to such pulse, it would be hard to solve. He was given Liquan Yin. For his having nausea, the amount of Diazheshi was reduced to only 30 gram (the reason to sue large amount of Daizheshi has been listed in later chapter for Shenzhe Zhenqi Tang). One dose made him stop vomit, start to eat, and have reduced cough. The bowel started to move, though previously it needed several days for one bowel movement. Continued this way with little ingredient modification for three days, the pulse became better too, but still six times per breath-circle. So, the Xuanshen and Shengdi both were reduced to only 18 gram. In addition, he was given white sucrose water to drink at noon, to take aspirin some amount. Several days later, all conditions are completely improved, the pulse too.

沈阳苏××,年三十许,劳嗽二年不愈,动则作喘,饮食减少。更医十余人,服药数百剂,分毫无效,羸弱转甚。来院延医。其脉数六至,虽细弱仍有根柢,知其可治。自言上焦恒觉发热,大便三四日一行,时或干燥。遂投以醴泉饮,为其便迟而燥,赭石改用六钱,又加鸡内金二钱(捣细),恐其病久脏腑经络多瘀滞也。数剂后饭量加增,心中仍有热时,大便已不燥,间日 一行。遂去赭石二钱,加知母二钱,俾于晚间服汤药后,用白蔗糖水,送服阿斯匹林四分之一瓦,得微汗。后令于日间服之,不使出汗,数日不觉发热,脉亦复常,惟咳嗽未能全愈。又用西药几阿苏六分,薄荷冰四分,和以绿豆粉为丸,梧桐子大,每服三丸,日两次,汤药仍照方服之,五六日后咳嗽亦愈,身体从此康健。

Patient Sou, 30 years of old, lived in Shenyang city too. He had exhausting cough for two years. He would have asthma with little movement or physical work. His diet was also reduced. He had tried about ten doctors, and take herbs for hundreds doses, without any improvement. His body became more slim and thin. When he came to me, I felt his pulse was up to six times per breath-circle. It is thin and weak but still can be felt when press. So I felt his condition is still possible to solve. He said he felt constant hot in his Upper Jiao (the chest), and he had bowel movement once every three or four days, which is sometimes dry and sometimes loss. He was given Liquan Yin to take. For his constipation, the Daizheshi used was 18 gram, and with additional addition of Jineijin 6 gram (grinded), considering that he was sick for a long time, there may have blood stagnation in the meridians and organs. After several days, his appetite was increased and the amount of eating was increased too. Though still felt hot in the chest from time to time, his constipation became once every other day. The Daizheshi was removed, but added Zhimu 6 gram. Again, let him take white sucrose water after drinking of herbal tea in the evening, to help swallow of one quarter tablet of aspirin to create sweat. Later, he was asked to take the aspirin during the day time too, to stop sweat. After several days, he no longer felt hot and the pulse became normal too, though the cough was only partly improved. So, the western medicine Jiasou 6 fen, Bohebing 4 fen, was mixed with green bean powder to prepare the mixture into pills as 1 cm in diameter each. He was asked to take the pills three pills each time, twice a day. During that time, the herbal tea was continued. After five to six days, the cough stop and the body turned to normal.



4. Yiwei Shuyu Yin[5]



This herbal tea is used to treat Laoji fever, with asthma or cough, or self-sweat, or palpitation, or diarrhea due to harsh urine, and all other Yin deficient conditions.

生怀山药(四两,切片) 煮汁两大碗,以之当茶,徐徐温饮之。
Shanyao[6] 120 gram (cut into pieces, cook in water to make two big bowl of herbal soup). Drink the herbal soup as drink tea from time to time.


The Shanyao, in herb nature, can nourish the Yin and remove the Wetness, can create lubrication effect, and contract effect too. It can nourish the Lung, the Kidney and nourish the Spleen or Stomach too. It contains most protein, belong to the most valuable one in the herbal family. Its nature is calm and mild, worth to take for long term.  


Dr. Chen Xiuyuan said: the Shanyao is ordinary food. It cannot treat severe disease. This is not true. If it cannot treat severe disease, how can it be indicated in the herbal formula as Shuyu Wan, in the chapter for Laoji in the book Jing Kui. I have tried to treat a girl. She had Wen Bing[7] asthma with phlegm. I used Xiao Qinglong Tang plus Shigao. I also followed the Shanghan Lun, removed herb Mahuang, but add Xingren. The asthma stoped. It was later evening. The whole night was no problem, but in the morning, her asthma happened again severely. Her pulse was dispersed as massed branches on the water, hard to cout the number. It was a condition of Yin-Yang escaping. There is no time to buy or prepare other herbs at that movement. There was only some Shanyao there available. So, the Shanyao was cooked hurry and given her to drink. Soon her asthma became less and the pulse became calm too. So, there is time to prepare other herbs. The herbal formula used later still contained large amount of Shanyao (see later chapter for Xinlou Tang for detail).  

One case, a girl had no menstruation for several years. She had had the Laoyi condition (exhausting condition) and could not get up the bed. She was given the Zisheng Tang, and was asked to drink the Shanyao soup (Cook Shanyao 60 gram in water. Drink the soup as regular tea). One month later, the health condition was much improved and the menstruation came too.


A women suffered from severe asthma and heavy sweat, fever and cough, tens days after childbirth. Previous doctor had used Huangqi, Shoudi, Baishao and other herbs. She had more sweat. When I saw her, her pulse was very weak, which was up to seven times per breath-circle. Based on the clinic manifestation and the pulse, it seemed her condition was impossible to improve. I was hurry to give her Shanyao 90 gram, and asked her to drink it as regular tea. On that day, all of the water her body needed came from the Shanyao soup. The next day, the Shanyao soup was repeated again. By this way, after three days, all of the conditions were improved.


One of my patients was about 40 years of old. He got Wen Bing for more than ten days. Upon he came to me, his condition had been improved about 80%. One day, he suddenly had slipper diarrhea, urgent asthma and short of breath, and had annoying thirst. His pulse was very weak, and the Chi pulse could not be touched upon press deep. He was urgently given the Shanyao soup (90 gram Shanyao), two big bowls and asked to drink it slowly but continuously. After finish the drink, the Shanyao residue was used to cook the tea again. For two days, totally 540 gram of the Shanyao was drunk. His asthma and annoying thirst feeling were improved to disappear and the bowel movement was no longer as slippery.




Letter from Mr. Zhang in Qing county, Zhili province:

侄女××,已于归数载,因患瘰 证成痨,喘嗽不休,或自汗,或心中怔忡,来函索方。余揣此系阴分亏损已极所致。俾先用一味薯蓣饮,每日用生怀山药四两,煮汁两大碗,当茶频频温饮之。不数剂,喘定汗止,咳嗽亦见轻。继又兼服薯蓣粥,作点心用之,渐渐全愈。
Mu niece had returned home for several years. She suffered from lympha tuberculosis and her condition has developed into the Laoji condition. She had cough with phlegm, or had self-sweat, or had palpitation. A letter send to me asking for herbal formula. I thought that her condition was due to the Yin deficiency. So, I asked her to drink the Shanyao soup, 60 gram per day. After several days, the asthma and the sweat stop, and the cough was improved. Continued use of the Shanyao as rise soup, the overall condition was all improved gradually.  


Letter from Mr. Wan from Faku county, Fenqian province:


My parent suffered from cough, asthma with phlegm for more than 30 years. She had tried many treatments without any improvement. With the age, the conddition became worse. This spring, her condition recurred, with additional dry throat, sweat on head, and hard to eat. Though I am practicing medicine, I dared not to give prescription at that time. So I asked another doctor to see her. He said it was overwhelming phlegm with Fire, but not know it was due to the Lung Qi and Spleen Qi and Kidney Qi all exhausting. She was given Renshen Qingfei Tang, with addition of Shengdi and Danpi and other herbs in. After two days, the condition became even worse. She felt hair hot as burning and had diarrhea and felt as to die. So I dared not to continue with that doctor and I prescribed by myself the Zisheng Tang. After use of one-day’s amount, there are no clear improvement either. I thought again that the herb Baizhu, Niubangzi, and Jineijin in the formula may not be suitable to the condition, so changed to the only use of Shangyao Yin. My parent was given Shanyao soup 60 gram, Xuanshen 9 gram. Next day, the condition was improved, and two days later, it was much improved. After three days, the condition was much more improved. Later, the Shanyao was cook as regular soup to drink (30 gram) with addition of little white sugar, twice a day. During that time, some herbs for improve appetite were also given. Tens of days later, the condition was completely improved.



5. Shenmai Tang

 This formula is used to solve long term of Yin deficiency. The patient has Lung deficiency with cough, asthma with phlegm, or with lung tuberculosis.     

人参(三钱) 麦冬(四钱,带心) 山药(六钱) 半夏(二钱) 牛蒡子(三钱,炒,捣) 苏子(二钱,炒,捣)生杭芍(三钱) 甘草(钱半)
Renshen 9 gram, Maimendong 12 gram (with the inside kernel), Shanyao 18 gram, Banxia 6 gram, Niubangzi 9 gram (fried, grind), Souzi 6 gram (fried, grind), Baishao 9 gram, and Gancao 4.5 gram.

Herb Renshen has capacity to nourish the Lung. In case there is Fire in the lung, it may hurt the lung. So the Maimendong is added to prevent the fire from the Renshen. Maimendong is the herb to wet the lung, so it is said not to use in cough condition. With the use of the Banxia, it turns to stop the cough. Shanyao, for its nature of contracting, it can help the Renshen to nourish the Qi; for its sticky nature, it can help Maimendong to nourish liguid in the body. If take the Shanyao for a long time, it may cause fullness in the stomach, so the use of Niubangzi, for its slippery, can prevent the sticky and fullness side effect from the Shanyao. The Niubangzi per se can depress the up-reversed Lung Qi, and Banxia can surpress the up-reversed Stomach Qi. The use of Souzi and Renshen together can surpress the up-reversed Qi that is due to weakness condition, so the asthma and cough would not happen. The reason to use the Baishao is that the Liver and the Lung is opposide position each other. When the Lung Metal is damaged, it can not move down to surpress the up-moving Liver Wood. The Liver Fire can rush up freely to cause cough too. So the addition of Baishao can attract the Liver Fire. Again, the use of Baishao and Gancao together, the sweet-bitter taste similar to Renshen, and the function is also similar to Renshen, so to be able to nourish the lung.


Explanation: Old herbal formula in history used herb Maidong in the cough that is due to the Lung deficiency. Only Dr. Xu Lingtai said that it should not be used in the cough condition, because its juice is very sticky. If there is any slight Xie Qi in the lung, it may hold the Xie Qi in the lung causing chronic problem. It can only be used for the cough when used together with Banxia. Banxia is spicy and opening in its herbal nature. It not only works well for cough, but also well for asthma. For this reason, Master Zhang Zhongjing used it in person after a Shanghan disease with weakness, short of breath, Qi up-reverse and willing to nausea. The example formula is the Zhuye Shigao Tang, in which the Maidong and the Banxia are used the same time. Also in the Maimendong Tang, the Mainendong and the Banxia are used together to solve the up-reverse Fire condition. For person with weakness condition and chronic cough, doctors usually dare not to use Banxia, for they do not really understand the nature of the Banxia. Dr. Xu Lingtai said: “The Lung belongs to Metal and it likes contracting but not dispersing”. The reason is that the contracting action makes the Lung leaves falling down, so the air is free to move; and the dispersing action makes the leaves opening so the air is not easy to open, so as to cause the Qi up-reverse. The spicy property of the Banxia is different from that of herb Guizhi and Shenjiang (ginger). When drink, it may cause hard to speak, and when it is smeared on wound, the bleeding can be stop. Its spicy is accompanied with  astringent, so it can disperse and also contract. Also, the contracting property from the spicy and from the sour is different too. The sour of a herb focuses on the contracting action; but the spicy of a herb has both contracting and dispersing action. The later property is much similar and matches the function of lung. Mr. Yu Jiayan praised the use of Banxia in the formula Maimendong Tang: “the addition of the spicy-warm Banxia in the formula of Da Jiangzhong Tang or other formula that work to nourish the Yin Ye, can help the swallow of the herbs and clear the throat. It is not the contribution of the Banxia, but the clever use of it by the doctors”.


I have carefully studied this condition and found that the treatment of cough needs to be separated into several aspects. If the cough is due to the Kidney disease that passes into the Lung, the herbal formula use should be mostly to nourish the True Yin, helped by lung-clearing and phlegm-clearing herbs, such as my Liquan Yin; if it is due to the Lung disease, that passes into the Kidney, the herbal formula should focuse to clear the lung and the phlegm, with help of herbs that work to nourish the True Yin. The herbs are as my Shenmai Tang here. In person with the lung and the kidney disease at the same time, and they involve and damage the spleen, the lung and the kidney should be nourished similary, together with some effort on the nourish of the spleen. The herbal formula for this condition is as Zipai Tang, Zhuyu Erbao Tang. Separate by this way, together with the intake of aspirin, the condition should be solved, if the pulse is with root, though it takes some time. If there is tuberculosis only in the lung, not involving other organs, the herbal formula in the later Chapters for the lung disease can be used.

(This paragran talks about the use of Aspirin in the treatment of cough and lung tuberculosis, so it is not translated. )




Letter from Mr. Bing, Liuzhou city, Guangxi province:

I treated one woman. She was 43 years of old. She had heavy labor work at home, and had kind of stree, so later she got blood vomiting. Later, the blood-vomit is solved, but she has severe asthma and cough, so as hard to have a sleep at night. Previous doctors used herb Bibaye, Kuandonghua, Xingren, Ziyuan, and Baimu for the treatment. Later, she had her cheek on the right side swelling, which was pink in color. The cough and asthma continued without stop. When I saw her, I used the Dr Wang Qingren’s formula of Shaofu Zhuyu Tang plus herb Souzi and Chenxiang. Two days later, she got he Shenmai Tang for the treatment. Eight days later, the cough and asthma was much improved. 


Another case: A man of 46 years of old, had hot in chest and with asthma. He visited various doctors for three years without any improvement. When I saw him, I used Zisheng Tang first, with addition of Shengdi (18 gram). Next day, the condition was improved. Several days later, the condition improved nearly half. Additional use of the same herbal formula, the condition was much more improved. Since the condition has been there for several years, the person is weak and slim. It is not hard to solve the condition in a short time. I wish you can recommend me a formula to solve the remaining cough for him.



6. Zhuyu Erbao Zhou[8]


This formula is used to treat Spleen-Lung Yin deficiency. The person has low appetite, and feels hot and cough. It can also be used for other kinds of Yin deficiency.

山药(二两) 生薏米(二两) 柿霜饼(八钱)
Shanyao 60 gram, Yiyiren 60 gram, Shishuangbing[9] 24 gram.


Grind the Shanyao and Yiriren into coarse particles, cook in water to well-cooked. Chop the Shishuangbing into small pieces. Add it in the cooked mixture. Eat the mixture from time to time in a casual amount each time.


Shanyao and Yiyiren, both are to nourish the Spleen and the Lung. However, Shanyao alone may be too sticky; Yiyiren alone may be too less-tasted. The combination of the two material allow a long time intake without original side effect. Shishuangbing, for its cold herbal nature, can nourish the Lung; for its sweet, can nourigh the Spleen. Use it together with the Shanyao and Yiyiren, the formula can not only treat a disease, but also as a diet as regular food. It can not only meet the hungry feeling, but also delicious. If used in a proper case, the disease would of course cure gradually. If it is not match the case, it would not cause other new problems. Sheshuangbing is made from the persimmon. Be careful that the Shishuangbing that is prepared with the involvement of Bohe should not be used, since the Shishuangbing made by this is not suitable in case of Yin deficiency with more sweat.  

一少年,因感冒懒于饮食,犹勤稼穑,枵腹力作,遂成劳嗽。过午发热,彻夜咳吐痰涎。医者因其年少,多用滋阴补肾之药,间有少加参、 黄芪者。调治两月不效,饮食减少,痰涎转增,渐至不起,脉虚数兼有弦象,知其肺脾皆有伤损也。授以此方,俾一日两次服之,半月全愈.

There has been a boy, who had less appetite due to common cold, but continued his labor work, which eventually made his condition into the exhausting condition. For his young age, doctor used more Yin-nourishing therapy, with little addition of Renshen or Huangqi. Two months of treatment worked nothing. He had reduced appetite, more phlegm, and felt hard to get up too. His pulse was weak and frequent with little string feeling, so it is known that he had Lung-Spleen damage. When I saw him, I asked him to have this herbal soup twice a day. After two weeks, the condition is solved.


It may be asked: the pulse is string. How do you know that it indicates the Spleen-Lung damage? Answer: Though the meaning of the pulse depends on its poison on the wrist, but not always so. Now the string pulse can be felt on both side of the hands. String indicates the Liver. Strong Liver suggests that it would hurt the Spleen, since the Liver belongs to the Wood and the Spleen, the Soil. Among the five elements, only the Spleen can hold/endure the other four organs. So, in the six pulses, all pulse should be soft, mild, hominy, or peace, since all of them contain the Spleen nature. Now the pulse is not calm but string and hard, it is therefore known that the Spleen Qi has been damaged, and the Spleen cannot hold/endure the other organs. Again, the Lung belongs to the Metal, which is to compress, or suppress the Liver Wood. So, if the Lung Qi can go down the Liver Qi should not be able to hurry up, so that the pulse should not be as such string feeling. Now the pulse is string, which so suggests that the Lung Qi is weak. It is therefore known that the Lung cannot suppress the Liver Wood.



7. Woxue Tang


This formula is used to solve the similar disorders as the Zhuyu Erbao Zhou, especially if there is asthma due to Kidney deficiency.

山药(一两半) 牛蒡子(炒捣,四钱) 柿霜饼(冲服,六钱)

Shanyao 45 gram, Niupangzi 12 gram (fried, grind), Shibingbing 18 gram (drink with the Shanyao-Niubangzi herbal soup).


One case. The person was about 40 years of old, suffered from asthma for a long time. The asthma recurred due to a recent common cold. Doctors gave the person Xiao Qinglong Tang. One dose solved his problem. So later, it became the person’s habit that he would use this formula once he had asthma again. One day, the asthma happened again. This formula was taken for three days without any improvement. The pulse was frequent as up to five times per breath-circle. The right pulse was floating and big but disappeared when pressed hard down. It is known that the herbal tea worked before because the asthma is due to common cold and there was evidence for such out-coming Xie Qi in the body. This time, it did not work since it is not caused due to the out-coming Xie Qi. Little bit out-coming Xie Qi could cause the asthma, suggesting that the Lung and the Kidney are in a weak condition (has been a damaged condition). If the therapy only work for the symptom, but not the basic reason, the damage would be more and more severe. This is why this time the asthma is hard to be improved. The herbal formula here has been used for two day, which solved the asthma. Additional doses have been prescribed for a maintenance.


8. 水晶桃



This formula is sued for Lung-Kidney deficiency. The  patient may have cough, or asthma, or short of breath, or sour or weakness on the lower back or on the knee. It is especially suitable for child. 

核桃仁(一斤) 柿霜饼(一斤)
Walnut kernel 300 gram, Shishuangbing 300 gram.


Steam the walnut kernel to well-cooked. Mixed with the Shishuangbing in the same container and continue to steam again. Cool it down. Eat the mixture casually. Any fruit kernel, if they have property to nourish, they will nourish the Kidney.

Walnut is the biggest kernel among fruit kernels. It is rich in fat, also delicious. It is good at nourish the Kidney. Shishuangbing is white in color. It goes into the lung after take. It is cold and sweet in herbal nature and has slipper property. For its sweat, it can nourish the lung, for its cold, it can clear the Fire in the lung; for its slippery nature, it can clear the phlegm in the lung; and for its wetness, it na nourish and wet the dried lung. When used with the walnut kernel, the lung and the kidney both would be nourished. With the Metal (lung) and the Water (Kidney) work together, the weak person would be stronger. It can be eat as a food and also a herbal healing stuff, so it is more suit to child.   


Another herb formula for the exhausting condition with cough: Laosou Fang.[10] It contains the carrot leaves and brown sugar (the preparation process is omitted – translator)


Explanation: the carrot leave is white in color, so it is associated with the Lung. The Chinese scholar tree brances are black in color, so it is associated with the Kideny. Prepare the formula as above introduced (omitted here), the branch conduct the Lung Qi into the Kidney.  …. There is an old man with family name of Sun (about 60 years of old), who suffered from the Laosou condition with much more short of breath. He took hundred of herbal doses without any improvement. Later after he tried this formula, the cough and short of breath disappeared. Later, I prepared this formula every year to donate to people with the Laosou condition. Many get much better with it.   



9. Jiji Tang


This formula is used for the condition, in which the Yin and Yang are not long associated together. The Yang is to escape from the upper part of the body: the person has either asthma, or sweat, or upper move of pupil in the eyes, or has palpitation with the heart shacking as a flag. The Yin is to escape from the lower part of the body: the person has either leak of sperm liquid, or loss of control of urine and stool. It works for all condition with the Yin-Yang both in deficiency and the upper-hot-lower-cold condition.

大熟地(一两) 萸肉(去净核,一两) 山药(六钱) 龙骨(捣细,六钱)生牡蛎(捣细,六钱) 茯苓(三钱) 生杭芍(三钱) 附子(一钱)

Shoudi 30 gram, Shanyurou 30 gram, Shanyao 18 gram, Longgu 18 gram, Muli 18 gram, Fuling 9 gram, and Fuzi 3 gram.


It may be asked: the Jiji Tang is to used for saving the escaping condition, why not include the herb Renshen in it? Answer: the herbal property of the Renshen is nourishing and raising. If use it in the treatment of escaping condition, it would be worried that it may push the Qi up too much. Dr. Yu Jiayan has explained this in detail in his book. Only when the Renshen is used together with Daizheshi, can the herb bring the Qi down and back to the root (Kidney). If the person has down-escaping condition, it would be worried to use the Daizheshi. Dare not to use the Daizheshi, so not to use the Renshen. Because the Yang escaping condition is due to the deficiency of the True Yin, that fails to attach the Yang back to the Kidney, so that the Yang floats and up-escapes without pulling force from lower part of the body, so in the formula, large amount of Shoudi and Shanyao are used to supply and nourish more True Yin, with the hope that when the Yin is sufficient, the Yang would be attached back to the Kidney. The advantage of the spicy-hot property of the Fuzi is that it is similar to the Yuan Yang. It works with the bitter-falling property of the Baishao to bring the floating Yuan Yang down to the Kidney. The use of the Shanyurou, Longgu and Muli, for their contracting property, can fix and enhance the Yuan Yang and Yuan Yin, so the Yuanyang would not float to escape and the Yuan Yin would not escape downwards either.  

A twenty-year-old man was weak in body condition from birth and he was also fall in sex and smoke for many years. He got malaria in early autumn, which was stop after about three weeks. One day, he had slippery diarrhea several times. His face was with heavy sweat as washed, tired in spirit, felt sleepy. His pulse is strong in the upper part but weak in the lower part. The pulse on the Chong position felt as shacking and it was frequent up to seven times per breath-circle. He visited two doctors for the treatment but none gave him prescription. I later gave him this formula. One dose made him awake, additional two doses improved his condition to the early body condition.

友人张××,曾治一少年,素患心疼,发时昼夜号呼。医者屡投以消通之药,致大便滑泻,虚气连连下泄,汗出如洗,目睛上泛,心神惊悸,周身 动,须人手按,而心疼如故。延医数人皆不敢疏方。张××投以此汤,将方中萸肉倍作二两,连服两剂,诸病皆愈,心疼竟从此除根。

My friend Mr. Zhang treated a teenage, who suffered from pain in the stomach. He cried day and night when the pain occurred. Previous doctors had used bowel-cleansing therapy, which made him slippery diarrhea, heavy sweat on head, up-moving eyes, palpitation, body shacking (which need other people to press), but the stomach pain remained. He had visited several doctors, none of them dare to treat him. My friend, Mr. Zhang, treated him with this formula, with the Shangyurou doubled in amount. Two days later, every problem disappeared. There was no any stomach pain from then. 


It might be asked: if this formula can solve the escaping condition, how it can treat the stomach pain? Answer: whenever there is pain in the body, on the surface skin, muscle, tendons, or in the inside organs or tissues, are all due to the block of the the Qi and blood circulation. It is said in theShennong Bencao Jingthat, the Shangyurou can treat the Xie Qi under the heart (e.g. the stomach), cold or hot, to warm the middle part of the body, and to expel the Cold-Wet Bi. For this, it is known that, the herb Shangyurou can not only have a property of sour-contracting, but also is good at sour-opening. Dr. Li Shicai used the Shanyurou and the Danggui in the treatment of pain due to Liver weakness. I also solve the leg pain due to the Liver weakness. With the Sanyurou, the pain disappeared very fast (see the Chapter for herb Quzhi Tang). The herb Shanyurou bears most strong Wood nature. Within its sour-contracting property, it also bears opening property, so that it is good in the treatment of the escaping condition, especially in the treatment of Bi syndrome[11]. It is possible that the person had had the Bi syndrome in his stomach before this escaping condition. The Qi and blood cannot flow smoothly due to the weakness condition. Previous doctor did not realize this, so they used mostly the herbs with breaking property, so the condition ended that Yang and Yin are to escape but the pain remained. Doctors had no any more ideas. This Jiji Tang is used with the Shanyurou doubled in amount. It is surprisingly able to solve this Yin-Yang escaping problem and the stomach pain as well. This is not due to the marvelous of my formula, but that Mr. Zhang used this formula in a smart way.  



10. Laifu Tang


This formula is used for patient, who had had diseases before and now in a later recovering status, suffered from cold-hot shift, heavy sweat; or only hot without cold, the hot reduced with sweat, but soon the hot comes again; up-moving eyes, the Yin-Yang is to escape; or asthma / short of breath, or palpitation, or short of breath due to Qi deficiency. Once see any one symptom above, this formula should be used as soon as possible.

萸肉(去净核,二两) 龙骨(捣细,一两) 牡蛎(捣细,一两) 生杭芍(六钱) 野台参(四钱) 甘草(二钱,蜜炙)
Shanyurou 60 gram (remove kernel), Longgu 30 gram, Muli 30 gram, Baishao 18 gram, Wild Taishen 12 gram, and Gancao 6 gram (processed with honey).

萸肉救脱之功,较参、术、 更胜。盖萸肉之性,不独补肝也,凡人身之阴阳气血将散者,皆能敛之。故救脱之药,当以萸肉为第一。而《神农本草经》载于中品,不与参、术、 并列者,窃忆古书竹简韦编,易于错简,此或错简之误欤!
The function of the Escaping-saving function by herb Shanyurou is much stronger than Renshen and Baizhu. Shanyurou not only supply and nourish the Liver, it also contracts the escaping Yin-Yang and Qi-blood. So, the first herb used in the Escape-saving is the Shanyurou. …


When the Yuan Qi is escaping, it escapes from the Liver. That’s why when a person is very weak, his Liver Wind starts to irrigate first, e.g. the moving Liver Wind is the early sign of the Yin-Yang escaping. The Liver and the Gall bladder is the inside-outside relation. The Gall bladder belongs to the Shaoyang meridian/stage/level of the body, and dominate cold and hot shift; the Liver belongs to the Jueyin meridian/stage/level of the body, and dominates the cold-hot shift when it is very weak. For the cold-hot, so there are more sweat. The Shanyurou can restrain the sweat, and is good at nourish the Liver, so works well when the Liver is very weak and when the Yuan Qi is to escape. In the beginning I tried out its such property, I though it is my finding. When I read the book Shennong Bencao Jingabout the property of the Shanyurou, it has been indicated there that Shanyurou dominates the treatment of cold-hot shift, which occurs when the Liver is very weak. Only because I did not pay much attention to the detail for the Shanyurou before when I read it, so I did not that before. So, I admired the book very much for its greatness, which can not be overpass by herbal books published in later history. In the book, it said that Shanyurou can also expel (drive away) Cold-Wet Bi Xie. This is the reason that Shanyurou can be used to solve stomach pain. Another herbal formula, the Quzhi Tang, can work for arm and leg pain, for its herbal nature of sour-contracting property. Buluo Buguan Tang can solve cough, bleeding cough or bleeding vomit. If they are combined with this Laifu Tang, the mixture can work to save the Escaping condition with sweat. It is really marvelous the effect of the herb Shanyurou.


One patient was about twenty years of old. He got Cold-invasion disease and got treatment for about ten days. His condition was improved. One day, he felt hot whole of the body, and pretty soon got heavy sweat, then the hot reduced. Soon he felt hot then sweat again. He got such condition for two days, in a very dangerous condition. I was invited urgently to see him. I saw him heave heavy sweat as washed, the eyes moved up without pupils. His left pulse was mild, weak, as smear or cloudy, which disappeared when pressed heavier. This is the condition, in which the Liver-Gall Bladder is very weak, and the Yuan Qi is to escape. When the Liver-Gall Bladder is weak, the clinic manifestation is cold-hot shift syndrome. In the case here, it showed as hot-sweat shift, bearing the similar meaning as the cold-hot shift. He was urgently given Shanyurou 60 gram. The hot and sweat stop to half level. It was followed by this Laifu Tang. After two days, all problems disappeared.


Mr. Zhao was 63 year of old. He got the Cold-invasion disease during winter, with heavy asthma and more phlegm. His pulse was floating and weak. If press heavily, the pulse disappeared. Upon ask, he said he had chronic cough for many years, and it recurred every winter. I had considered for a long time, then gave him Xiao Qinglong Tang with removal of herb Mahuang, but addition of Shigao. For his weak pulse, I asked him to buy some nourishing herbs in case needed. After intake of the herbal tea, his asthma reduced little bit, but the pulse became much weaker. So It has been urgent to save Shanyurou 30 gram, with Longgu 18 gram, Muli 18 gram, while Taishen 12 gram, Shaoyao 9 gram as a new formula. When the herbal tea was ready, the patient’s breath was very weak, very short of breath. He was asked to drink the tea right away. Then the breath became much better.

××,年五旬,偶相值,求为诊脉,言前月有病服药已愈,近觉身体清爽,未知脉象何如?诊之,其脉尺部无根,寸部摇摇有将脱之势,因其自谓病愈,若遽悚以危语,彼必不信,姑以脉象平和答之。遂秘谓其侄曰:令叔之脉甚危险,当服补敛之药,以防元气之暴脱。其侄向彼述之,果不相信.  后二日,忽遣人迎愚,言其骤然眩晕不起,求为延医。既至,见其周身颤动,头上汗出,言语错乱,自言心怔忡不能支持,其脉上盛下虚之象较前益甚,急投以净萸肉两半,生龙骨、生牡蛎、野台参、生赭石各五钱,一剂即愈。继将萸肉改用一两,加生山药八钱,连服数剂,脉亦复常。按:此方赭石之分量,宜稍重于台参。

Mr. Li was about 50 years of old. One day, we met by chance. He wanted me to have a look at him for his disease. He said that he had had a disease several months ago. After taking herb tea, he has already felt well. He wanted to know how about his pulse. When I felt his pulse, I noticed a no-rooting feeling on his Chi pulse position and a escaping feeling on his Cun position. Because he claimed that he had got recovered from a disease, he would not believe me if I told him his dangerous condition. Therefore I told him that his pulse is in peace and calm, but I told his nephew: “Your uncle’s pulse suggests a very dangerous condition. Contracting and restraining herbs should be taken for prevention of the Yuan Qi escape.” His nephew told his uncle. He did not believe it, as expected. Two days later, he asked someone come to me. The comer said he felt dizziness suddenly and could not get up. When I came to him, seeing his body was shacking, sweat on head, chattering randomly, saying that he felt palpitation very much and he would be able to sustain any more. His pulse was much more strong in the Chun position, but weaker in the Chi position. He was given herb Shanyurou 45 gram, Longgu 15 gram, Muli 15 gram, Wild Taishen 15 gram, Daizheshi 15 gram. One dose solved his condition. Then the Shanyurou was changed to 30 gram, with addition of Shanyao 24 gram. Several doses later, the pulse returned normal. Explanation: in this case, the amount of Daizheshi should be little bit more than the Taisehen.





Letter Chui from Tianmen county, Hubai province:


Mr. Zhu lived in Zhanggang had a daughter-in-law, who suffered from whole body spasm after childbirth. She had heavy sweat, and her pulse was scattering and no root feeling, showing a sing of escaping. I prescribed her Shanyurou 60 gram, cook and drink. One dose treatment solved her condition.



11. Zhenshe Tang

This formula works for a condition with fullness feeling in the chest; the pulse is big and string, which felt as strong, but not. This is the condition in which the Spleen-Stomach True Qi is escaping and the Chong Mai (Chong meridian) Qi rushes up. This condition should not be treated as a Shi condition[12]. If a opening herbal therapy is used, the risk would happen right away. If after several doses of drinking of this herbal tea, the pulse turns peace and calm, it would suggest that the disease is improving. It should be continue more to cure.

野台参(五钱) 生赭石(轧细,五钱) 芡实(五钱) 山药(五钱) 萸肉(去净核,五钱) 半夏(二钱) 茯苓(二钱)

Whild Taishen 15 gram, Daizheshi 15 gram, Qianshi 15 gram, Shanyao 15 gram, Shanyurou 15 gram (remove the kernel), Banxia 6 gram, and Fuling 6 gram.


If the fullness feeling reduced after several drinks, remove Qianshi, but add Baizhu 6 gram. 


If the pulse is really strong with force, it should bear a kind of strong-slippery feeling. Strong means it feels as a big wave moving one after another; slippery means it is smooth and wet, as touching pearl. The pulse for this condition here is string-straight, no waving feeling, no pearl feeling. Though felt big and strong, it is actually not a true strong.

Calm pulse is the normal Spleen-Stomach pulse; String pulse is the normal Liver-Gall Bladder pulse. The Spleen-Stomach belongs to the Soil, which distributes in the Metal, the Wood, the Water and the Fire organs, so normally, the pulse in every position should be in calm feeling. If the Liver pulse is string and strong, it would suggest that the Liver Wood is too strong and it would damage the Spleen Soil. So, it is known that the Spleen-Stomach is weak.

 Chong meridian connects with Yangming meridian. So, the Chong Qi is connected with the Stomach Qi. Now, the Stomach Qi cannot fall down due to its weakness, the Chong Qi would rush up to cause problem. Now, the Spleen-Stomach Qi was escaping, having out-pushing force, with additional Chong Qi rushing up to enhance it, so the pulse is with big feeling.  

One old lady, about 60 years of old, felt from time to time, Qi rushing from lower part of the abdomen to the upper body and the eaten food does not move down. His son is a beek-seller and also knows some medicine. He had had come to our school to sell books, so he mentioned to me his mother’s condition. He also mentioned that her pulse was big, string and hard. I asked her to drink this Zhenshe Tang. One dose made her fullness condition reduce, several more doses solved her problem completely.

A patient was about 50 years of old. He felt fullness in the chest and stomach, vomiting phlegm and water. From time to time, he felt Gas rush from Lower Jiao of the body (lower abdomen) up to the stomach. His pulse is string, hard and long, especially on the right side. Such Gas rushing-up is not the reverse rushing-up of the Stomach Qi. His bowel movement was said to be very dry. So, the Daizheshi in the formula was changed to 30 gram, also with Zhimu 15 gram, Muli 15 gram, Houpu 4.5 gram, Souzi 4.5 gram. The formula was continued for several days. The whole body condition was completely recovered.       




 Letter from Mr. Li, from Yanshan, Zhili province.     


A old lady, who lived in Tianjin city, got sick for months. She felt very tired ans she came to me for treatment. Her pulse was string, hard, strong, and thick very much. She felt fullness in her chest, vomiting after eat. For several months, there is one meal without vomiting. Her bowel movement was two to three times a day and the stool was very little as chicken stool every time. She claimed very painful in the body, which was very hard to describe, so that she wanted to stop the life without suffering as such any longer. I thought, she felt fullness in the chest, appearing as a Shi Condition, but the pulse was string, had, thick and big, suggesting that it is the escaping of the Stomach Qi, the Chong meridian moved reverse up to cause the nausea. So, I give her he Zhenshe Tang. One dose made her vomit stop, the times of diarrhea reduce and the pulse turned to have a kind of calm feeling. After four to five doses of the formula, the whole conditions were completely solved. Later, whenever found such pulse, I used this formula. The result was excellent.

[1] Shiquan here means all aspect in Chinese. Yu means nourish. Zhen means true.

[2] Yin here means beverage, something to drink, herb extract to drink. Not the Yin in the Yin and Yang concept. This is the typical difficulty in the Chinese-English translation. Many Chinese words share the same Pinyin, which is for help in pronounce, not for spelling of the Chinese character. If we use the Pinyin for the translate, it may have confuse in the expression. If we however use the corresponding English word, it is many times no proper word available. This is the barrier between the languages.

[3] Big Q means big, great, and very important Qi.

[4] It is difficult to explain the ru pulse in English.

[5] Yi here means number one in Chinese; Wei means item; Shuyu means herb Shanyao. So, Yiwei Shuyu Yin means: herbal formula that contains only Shuyu.

[6] Herb Shanyao is also an ordinary Chinese vegetable.

[7] Wen Bing:  a group of clinic diseases in Chinese medicine, which are similar to some infectious diseases in western medicine. 

[8] Zhou here means soup in Chinese

[9] Shishuangbing: specially prepared persimmon.

[10] Laosou: Lao means exhausting; Sou: means cough, here in Chinese. Fang means formula. So, Laosou Fang means a formula for exhausting condition with cough.

[11] Be Syndrome: clinic conditions that have pain, stiffness, numb, or swelling in the joints or in the muscles.  The term arthritis used in the western medicine is only one kind of Bi in the Chinese medicine concept.

[12] Shi condition: a not weak condition. Shi condition is opposite from the weakness condition in Chinese medicine system.